2.1 关于分区表
批量加载或删除可通过添加或删除分区来完成。使用ALTER TABLE NO INHERIT和DROP TABLE远远要比批量操作快得多,此类命令避免了由于批量DELETE而引发的VACUUM额外开销;
PostgreSQL目前支持的分区类型:Range Partitioning(范围分区)、List Partitioning(列表分区)
2.2 分区表实例
2.2.1 范围分区实例
part=# create table people(id int not null,name varchar(20) not null,logdate date not null);CREATE TABLE
part=# create table people_y2013m12( check( logdate >= DATE '2013-12-01' AND logdate < DATE '2014-01-01' ) ) inherits(people);CREATE TABLEpart=# create table people_y2014m01( check( logdate >= DATE '2014-01-01' AND logdate < DATE '2014-02-01' ) ) inherits(people);CREATE TABLEpart=# create table people_y2014m02( check( logdate >= DATE '2014-02-01' AND logdate < DATE '2014-03-01' ) ) inherits(people);CREATE TABLE
part=# create index people_y2013m12_logdate on people_y2013m12(logdate);CREATE INDEXpart=# create index people_y2014m01_logdate on people_y2014m01(logdate);CREATE INDEXpart=# create index people_y2014m02_logdate on people_y2014m02(logdate);CREATE INDEX
part=# create or replace function people_insert_trigger()part-# returns trigger as $$part$# beginpart$# if (new.logdate >= DATE '2013-12-01' andpart$# new.logdate < DATE '2014-01-01') thenpart$# insert into people_y2013m12 values (new.*);part$# elsif (new.logdate >= DATE '2014-01-01' andpart$# new.logdate < DATE '2014-02-01') thenpart$# insert into people_y2014m01 values (new.*);part$# elsif (new.logdate >= DATE '2014-02-01' andpart$# new.logdate < DATE '2014-03-01') thenpart$# insert into people_y2014m02 values (new.*);part$# elsepart$# RAISE EXCEPTION 'Date out of range. Fix the people_insert_trigger() function!';part$# end if;part$# return null;part$# end;part$# $$part-# language plpgsql;CREATE FUNCTION
part=# CREATE TRIGGER insert_people_triggerpart-# BEFORE INSERT ON peoplepart-# FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE people_insert_trigger();CREATE TRIGGER
part=# \d+ people Table "public.people" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description ---------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+--------------+------------- id | integer | not null | plain | | name | character varying(20) | not null | extended | | logdate | date | not null | plain | | Triggers: insert_people_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON people FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE people_insert_trigger()Child tables: people_y2013m12, people_y2014m01, people_y2014m02Has OIDs: no
part=# insert into people values (1,'lian1','2013-12-10');INSERT 0 0part=# insert into people values (2,'lian2','2014-01-10');INSERT 0 0part=# insert into people values (3,'lian3','2014-02-10');INSERT 0 0part=# insert into people values (4,'lian4','2014-03-10');ERROR: Date out of range. Fix the people_insert_trigger() function!STATEMENT: insert into people values (4,'lian4','2014-03-10');ERROR: Date out of range. Fix the people_insert_trigger() function!
part=# select * from people; id | name | logdate ----+-------+------------ 1 | lian1 | 2013-12-10 2 | lian2 | 2014-01-10 3 | lian3 | 2014-02-10(3 rows)part=# SELECT p.relname,c.* FROM people c, pg_class p WHERE c.tableoid = p.oid; relname | id | name | logdate -----------------+----+-------+------------ people_y2013m12 | 1 | lian1 | 2013-12-10 people_y2014m01 | 2 | lian2 | 2014-01-10 people_y2014m02 | 3 | lian3 | 2014-02-10(3 rows)
2.2.2 列表分区实例
list=# create table customer(id int,name varchar(20),city varchar(30));CREATE TABLE
list=# create table customer_sd( check(city in ('jinan','qingdao','weifang','zibo')) ) inherits(customer);CREATE TABLElist=# create table customer_sx( check(city in ('xian','xianyang','weinan','baoji')) ) inherits(customer);CREATE TABLE
list=# \d+ customer Table "public.customer" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+--------------+------------- id | integer | | plain | | name | character varying(20) | | extended | | city | character varying(30) | | extended | | Child tables: customer_sd, customer_sxHas OIDs: no
list=# create index customer_sd_city on customer_sd(city);CREATE INDEXlist=# create index customer_sx_city on customer_sx(city);CREATE INDEX
list=# create or replace function customer_insert_trigger()list-# returns trigger as $$list$# beginlist$# if (new.city in ('jinan','qingdao','weifang','zibo')) thenlist$# insert into customer_sd values (new.*);list$# elsif (new.city in ('xian','xianyang','weinan','baoji')) thenlist$# insert into customer_sx values (new.*);list$# elselist$# RAISE EXCEPTION 'City out of list. Fix the customer_insert_trigger() function!';list$# end if;list$# return null;list$# end;list$# $$list-# language plpgsql;CREATE FUNCTION
list=# CREATE TRIGGER insert_customer_triggerlist-# BEFORE INSERT ON customerlist-# FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE customer_insert_trigger();CREATE TRIGGER
list=# \d+ customer Table "public.customer" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+--------------+------------- id | integer | | plain | | name | character varying(20) | | extended | | city | character varying(30) | | extended | | Triggers: insert_customer_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON customer FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE customer_insert_trigger()Child tables: customer_sd, customer_sxHas OIDs: no
list=# insert into customer values (1,'lian1','xian');INSERT 0 0list=# insert into customer values (2,'lian2','qingdao');INSERT 0 0list=# insert into customer values (3,'lian3','jinan');INSERT 0 0list=# insert into customer values (4,'lian4','weinan');INSERT 0 0list=# insert into customer values (5,'lian5','xianyang');INSERT 0 0list=# insert into customer values (6,'lian6','beijing');ERROR: City out of list. Fix the customer_insert_trigger() function!
list=# SELECT p.relname,c.* FROM customer c, pg_class p WHERE c.tableoid = p.oid; relname | id | name | city -------------+----+-------+---------- customer_sd | 2 | lian2 | qingdao customer_sd | 3 | lian3 | jinan customer_sx | 1 | lian1 | xian customer_sx | 4 | lian4 | weinan customer_sx | 5 | lian5 | xianyang(5 rows)
2.3 分区管理
2.3.1 删除分区
part=# drop table people_y2013m12;DROP TABLEpart=# select * from people; id | name | logdate ----+-------+------------ 2 | lian2 | 2014-01-10 3 | lian3 | 2014-02-10(2 rows)
part=# \d+ people Table "public.people" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description ---------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+--------------+------------- id | integer | not null | plain | | name | character varying(20) | not null | extended | | logdate | date | not null | plain | | Triggers: insert_people_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON people FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE people_insert_trigger()Child tables: people_y2014m01, people_y2014m02Has OIDs: no
part=# alter table people_y2014m02 no inherit people;ALTER TABLE{将成为一个普通表存在,数据依然存在}part=# select * from people_y2014m02; id | name | logdate ----+-------+------------ 3 | lian3 | 2014-02-10(1 row)part=# \d+ people Table "public.people" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description ---------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+--------------+------------- id | integer | not null | plain | | name | character varying(20) | not null | extended | | logdate | date | not null | plain | | Triggers: insert_people_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON people FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE people_insert_trigger()Child tables: people_y2014m01Has OIDs: no
part=# alter table people_y2014m02 inherit people;ALTER TABLEpart=# \d+ people Table "public.people" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description ---------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+--------------+------------- id | integer | not null | plain | | name | character varying(20) | not null | extended | | logdate | date | not null | plain | | Triggers: insert_people_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON people FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE people_insert_trigger()Child tables: people_y2014m01, people_y2014m02Has OIDs: nopart=# select * from people; id | name | logdate ----+-------+------------ 2 | lian2 | 2014-01-10 3 | lian3 | 2014-02-10(2 rows)
2.3.2 添加分区
part=# create table people_y2013m12( check( logdate >= DATE '2013-12-01' AND logdate < DATE '2014-01-01' ) ) inherits(people);CREATE TABLEpart=# create index people_y2013m12_logdate on people_y2013m12(logdate);CREATE INDEXpart=# \d+ people Table "public.people" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description ---------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+--------------+------------- id | integer | not null | plain | | name | character varying(20) | not null | extended | | logdate | date | not null | plain | | Triggers: insert_people_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON people FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE people_insert_trigger()Child tables: people_y2013m12, people_y2014m01, people_y2014m02Has OIDs: no{people_y2013m12已加入进继承关系中}
{创建一个与主表类似的表 → 为新表增加约束 → 建立继承关系}
create table t_name (like parent_name including defaults including constraints);alter table t_name add constraint constr_name check ( logdate >= DATE '……' AND logdate < DATE '……' );alter table t_name inherit parent_name;
2.3.3 分区表查询优化
constraint_exclusion = on/off/partition
partition:只检查继承子表和UNION ALL子句中涉及的约束(默认)
part=# show constraint_exclusion ; constraint_exclusion ---------------------- partition(1 row)part=# explain select * from people where logdate >= '2014-01-01'; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Append (cost=0.00..39.76 rows=567 width=66) -> Seq Scan on people (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=66) Filter: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on people_y2014m01 (cost=6.34..19.88 rows=283 width=66) Recheck Cond: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Index Scan on people_y2014m01_logdate (cost=0.00..6.27 rows=283 width=0) Index Cond: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on people_y2014m02 (cost=6.34..19.88 rows=283 width=66) Recheck Cond: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Index Scan on people_y2014m02_logdate (cost=0.00..6.27 rows=283 width=0) Index Cond: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date)(11 rows)
part=# set constraint_exclusion = on;SETpart=# explain select * from people where logdate >= '2014-01-01'; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Append (cost=0.00..39.76 rows=567 width=66) -> Seq Scan on people (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=66) Filter: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on people_y2014m01 (cost=6.34..19.88 rows=283 width=66) Recheck Cond: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Index Scan on people_y2014m01_logdate (cost=0.00..6.27 rows=283 width=0) Index Cond: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on people_y2014m02 (cost=6.34..19.88 rows=283 width=66) Recheck Cond: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Index Scan on people_y2014m02_logdate (cost=0.00..6.27 rows=283 width=0) Index Cond: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date)(11 rows)
part=# set constraint_exclusion = off;SETpart=# explain select * from people where logdate >= '2014-01-01'; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Append (cost=0.00..59.64 rows=850 width=66) -> Seq Scan on people (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=66) Filter: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on people_y2014m01 (cost=6.34..19.88 rows=283 width=66) Recheck Cond: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Index Scan on people_y2014m01_logdate (cost=0.00..6.27 rows=283 width=0) Index Cond: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on people_y2014m02 (cost=6.34..19.88 rows=283 width=66) Recheck Cond: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Index Scan on people_y2014m02_logdate (cost=0.00..6.27 rows=283 width=0) Index Cond: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on people_y2013m12 (cost=6.34..19.88 rows=283 width=66) Recheck Cond: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date) -> Bitmap Index Scan on people_y2013m12_logdate (cost=0.00..6.27 rows=283 width=0) Index Cond: (logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date)(15 rows)
2.4 通过rule重定向实现分区规则
rule=# create table people(id int not null,name varchar(20) not null,logdate date not null);CREATE TABLE
rule=# create table people_y2013m12( check( logdate >= DATE '2013-12-01' AND logdate < DATE '2014-01-01' ) ) inherits(people);CREATE TABLErule=# create table people_y2014m01( check( logdate >= DATE '2014-01-01' AND logdate < DATE '2014-02-01' ) ) inherits(people);CREATE TABLErule=# create table people_y2014m02( check( logdate >= DATE '2014-02-01' AND logdate < DATE '2014-03-01' ) ) inherits(people);CREATE TABLE
rule=# create rule people_insert_y2013m12 asrule-# on insert to people whererule-# (logdate >= DATE '2013-12-01' AND logdate < DATE '2014-01-01')rule-# do insteadrule-# insert into people_y2013m12 values (new.*);CREATE RULErule=# create rule people_insert_y2014m01 asrule-# on insert to people whererule-# (logdate >= DATE '2014-01-01' AND logdate < DATE '2014-02-01')rule-# do insteadrule-# insert into people_y2014m01 values (new.*);CREATE RULErule=# create rule people_insert_y2014m02 asrule-# on insert to people whererule-# (logdate >= DATE '2014-02-01' AND logdate < DATE '2014-03-01')rule-# do insteadrule-# insert into people_y2014m02 values (new.*);CREATE RULE
rule=# \d+ people Table "public.people" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description ---------+-----------------------+-----------+----------+--------------+------------- id | integer | not null | plain | | name | character varying(20) | not null | extended | | logdate | date | not null | plain | | Rules: people_insert_y2013m12 AS ON INSERT TO people WHERE new.logdate >= '2013-12-01'::date AND new.logdate < '2014-01-01'::date DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO people_y2013m12 (id, name, logdate) VALUES (new.id, new.name, new.logdate) people_insert_y2014m01 AS ON INSERT TO people WHERE new.logdate >= '2014-01-01'::date AND new.logdate < '2014-02-01'::date DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO people_y2014m01 (id, name, logdate) VALUES (new.id, new.name, new.logdate) people_insert_y2014m02 AS ON INSERT TO people WHERE new.logdate >= '2014-02-01'::date AND new.logdate < '2014-03-01'::date DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO people_y2014m02 (id, name, logdate) VALUES (new.id, new.name, new.logdate)Child tables: people_y2013m12, people_y2014m01, people_y2014m02Has OIDs: no
rule=# insert into people values (1,'lian1','2013-12-05');INSERT 0 0rule=# insert into people values (2,'lian2','2014-01-05');INSERT 0 0rule=# insert into people values (3,'lian3','2014-02-05');INSERT 0 0rule=# insert into people values (4,'lian4','2014-03-05');INSERT 0 1rule=# SELECT p.relname,c.* FROM people c, pg_class p WHERE c.tableoid = p.oid; relname | id | name | logdate -----------------+----+-------+------------ people | 4 | lian4 | 2014-03-05 people_y2013m12 | 1 | lian1 | 2013-12-05 people_y2014m01 | 2 | lian2 | 2014-01-05 people_y2014m02 | 3 | lian3 | 2014-02-05(4 rows){不符合条件的数据被插入到了主表中}
2.5 注意事项
a=# SELECT p.relname,c.* FROM t c, pg_class p WHERE c.tableoid = p.oid; relname | id | logdate ------------+----+------------ t_y2014m01 | 1 | 2014-01-10 t_y2014m02 | 2 | 2014-02-10(2 rows)a=# update t set logdate='2014-02-05' where logdate='2014-01-10';ERROR: new row for relation "t_y2014m01" violates check constraint "t_y2014m01_logdate_check"DETAIL: Failing row contains (1, 2014-02-05).STATEMENT: update t set logdate='2014-02-05' where logdate='2014-01-10';ERROR: new row for relation "t_y2014m01" violates check constraint "t_y2014m01_logdate_check"DETAIL: Failing row contains (1, 2014-02-05).a=# update t set logdate='2014-01-05' where logdate='2014-01-10';UPDATE 1a=# SELECT p.relname,c.* FROM t c, pg_class p WHERE c.tableoid = p.oid; relname | id | logdate ------------+----+------------ t_y2014m01 | 1 | 2014-01-05 t_y2014m02 | 2 | 2014-02-10(2 rows)a=# update t set logdate='2014-01-05' where logdate='2014-01-10';UPDATE 1a=# SELECT p.relname,c.* FROM t c, pg_class p WHERE c.tableoid = p.oid; relname | id | logdate ------------+----+------------ t_y2014m01 | 1 | 2014-01-05 t_y2014m02 | 2 | 2014-02-10(2 rows)a=# update t_y2014m01 set logdate='2014-02-05' where logdate='2014-01-05';ERROR: new row for relation "t_y2014m01" violates check constraint "t_y2014m01_logdate_check"DETAIL: Failing row contains (1, 2014-02-05).STATEMENT: update t_y2014m01 set logdate='2014-02-05' where logdate='2014-01-05';ERROR: new row for relation "t_y2014m01" violates check constraint "t_y2014m01_logdate_check"DETAIL: Failing row contains (1, 2014-02-05).